Is there anyone there?

Hello all and here we go again.

“Is there anyone there?” is an old saying that many people of my age and older have heard and would often be used mockingly by those wanting to mimic clairvoyants.


Now I get it. At the beginning of spiritualism, pretending to be a psychic medium became a great source of earning potential for many unscrupulous people. And why not? There are just as many, actually even more, unscrupulous people around today who want to separate you from your hard earned cash. Am I correct? Of course I am!

Unfortunately these days they aren’t all mediums. Oh yes we do have some charlatans among us but I’m willing to bet that those of you who have been cheated out of money weren’t done so by so-called psychics. I’ve never been fooled by a psychic because I’ve never needed to ask for anything from one. (One of the perks of the job.)

Anyway!! On to my point. It’s my belief, and this came through spirit, that although all humans have the ability to be psychic, not all are able to contact spirit. Or rather, be contacted by spirit. There’s a difference between psychic ability and, for example, clairvoyance. Psychic ability is being able to pick up the energies around people and animals as well as picking up residual energies that sort of hang around. (You know. Like a bad smell😂) Example; have you ever walked into a room and felt that something wasn’t right? It’s a kind of knowing or realisation of what’s been going on in that particular place. I’m willing to suggest that many of you have walked into a room and detected that there’s been an argument going on. That’s psychic ability. Sometimes if I am not picking anything up through mediumship with a person I can “read” them on a psychic level. Or how many have said after the fact “ I knew that was going to happen!”?

The difference between these phenomena can be difficult for those beginning on such a journey but I always say, what does it matter? If you’re picking up energy from somewhere then we don’t need to ascertain where it’s coming from. I don’t as I just take what comes to me without concerning myself where it originates from. Simply being open- minded works for me.

I mentioned some of this in a recent blog and the reason I’m going into it again is because certain aspects of what I was told by spirit do not sit right with me. Look at the part where spirit suggest that not all of us can pick up spirit. That doesn’t sit well with me because no person should be telling another person what they can or cannot do. Believe me, there have been plenty of critics regarding my own abilities! (Not to my face you understand 😂) but I can do what I can do irrespective of what others say, think or gossip about.

So who’s to say that all of you reading this do not have the ability to pick up spirit? Many, many of you have been told as children, “ Don’t be silly, it’s all in your imagination!” And most of us do what we’re told by our carers. Our parents and carers who said such things were, in the main, probably trying to stop their children from being afraid of what they were experiencing and rightfully so. As we grow older we tend to try and fit in with our peers and are often ridiculed by them if we don’t. (Bizarre right? Who wants to fit in? Still, we live and learn.) But discussing our “psychic abilities “ isn’t the way forward when it comes to fitting in. Fortunately I have reached a place in my life where I have absolutely no intention of trying to fit in with others. I don’t want to be you, I’m happy being me.

But what if we who are capable of detecting spirit are actually in the majority as opposed to the minority as it appears to be? I had “the gift” knocked out of me as a child. How many more of you experienced similar or probably to a lesser and more kinder effect such as trying to ease your fears as a child?

I question this because our children are actually phenomenal!! I detect that many children in close proximity to me can see, hear and sense things that their adult carers cannot. Maybe we might encourage our children to embrace what they’re experiencing instead of telling them otherwise? This also throws up a dilemma because I don’t fully comprehend what’s on the other side of life and there are phenomena that can be scary for adults let alone children! As I’ve said before, I respect what I experience from the other side of life but I don’t fear anything. I’m big enough and ugly enough to stand up for myself especially when it comes to the paranormal but children scare easily. Just as we have some nasty humans walking amongst us we also have some nasty spirits trying to cause mayhem and fear.

The vast majority of spirits I meet with are caring, loving beings and do what they can to protect our living children but I simply don’t have a fraction of the answers that we seek with regards to the unknown. Indeed some loving beings help in our learning regarding karma but the reality is, we reep what we sew and that is for our best whether we like it or not.

So, what do you think? Of course if you don’t believe in any of this then you are telling yourself that you are incapable of it and your mind is closed. No problem. But if you are interested then why not try some basic psychic exercises? I don’t recommend anything I’ve seen on the internet by the way! The “how psychic are you?” quizzes!

How psychic are you? It simply depends on how much you practice. How good a secretary are you? How good an engineer are you? Get it? You need to work at it. George Best was a gifted football player but he had to work at it before he won his European Cup medal. Initially I would practice with a pack of playing cards face down and try and predict the colour of the next card, red or black? I became very good at it very quickly. If you can reach 50% success rate at that then that is an excellent score, believe me. You can even go further and try to predict the suits.

So psychic or clairvoyant? That’s a simple exercise to start with but what about spirit contact? I have included a meditation below that is supposed to be good for mediumship. I actually use it to relax with as I have my own methods for “ summoning the dead!!” 😂😂. Having a great sense of humour is one of those methods.

Meditation for spirit contact

I am currently awaiting the rerelease of my book “What’s The Worst That Can Happen?” but it can be obtained as an ebook here or I have a limited amount in paperback here (UK only due to postage costs) currently post free

Thank you and until the next time, stay safe.

Published by James McDonald

Author of my memoir “What’s The Worst That Can Happen?” As a retired counsellor I still help people in emotional distress. As a clairvoyant and psychic I sometimes help others using these gifts.

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