Who can see spirits?

Borrowed this one. Very appropriate.

Hello once again and thank you for reading this. Your support is greatly appreciated and never taken for granted.

So, who can see spirits? Good question. I get into some very interesting discussions in my walk of life and this is a subject that I have spoken with many people about.

Firstly I’ll give you what I have picked up from what we call spirits. I was told that not everyone can communicate with spirits which I think most people will agree with. Don’t confuse clairvoyance with psychic ability. I believe that all humans are capable of psychic ability but unfortunately through the centuries we have moved further and further away from these basic traits. Look at today’s world. Who needs psychic abilities when we all have everything at our fingertips?

Well me for one. I still use these gifts that we as humans were born with. I can’t develop by pressing the screen on my electronic device but I can broaden my mind by using my natural ability.

But where is all this going? As I have gone through life I have met many people who actually do possess this gift of mediumship but weren’t aware of it. Okay it’s not going to make you popular by broadcasting it. In fact there are still many out there whose only form of a response is to attack us verbally and attempt to ridicule us. In my own case I never advertised my abilities. It was spread by gossip. I have never said to another living soul “I am a clairvoyant.”

Many people I have spoken with have questioned me about their own experiences and were delighted to learn that they weren’t going mad! But who declares us as being mad? A psychiatrist? A psychologist? A doctor? No it’s just people who cannot do what we can.

What I have found is that people who are drawn to mediums are drawn there for a reason and many of those people actually have a gift themselves. Take my own example which is well documented in my book “What’s The Worst That Can Happen?” I had the gift as a child but pushed it away due to the abuse I was experiencing but spirit came through to me later in life and, thankfully, reminded me. Many childhood experiences came back to me. I never questioned anything I experienced as a child, it was all natural. (I didn’t even know the word ‘supernatural.’)

Although us mediums are in a minority I think that minority is much higher than we actually believe it is and I had an interesting discussion not so long ago about this. (Thank you Donna. I always enjoy our chats.)

So that winds up things for today. Do you think that you have experienced anything out of the ordinary? Many people have and look for logical reasons to justify it. Make no mistake here, I also look for a logical human reason before anything else. “It’s all in the mind,” we hear. Of course it is. How do you think spirit contact us? It’s just that some minds are broader than others. “Oh it’s just your eyes playing tricks on you.” My eyes aren’t magicians, they don’t play tricks.

If you’re wondering then why not ask someone who might know. You see, in life we attract what we put out there. I’m sure you can use that basic psychic ability to know who and who not to trust. As for the sceptics? A proper and polite discussion is always welcomed but if they want to attempt to ridicule then walk away. Intelligent people don’t behave like that. Do what my oldest granddaughter did when she was much younger. When a dentist was poking around in her mouth with her dentistry tools she angrily demanded to see the dentist’s qualifications 😂😂. She was aged around 5 or 6 but she had a point.

Take care until the next time and if you have any questions just give me a shout. Stay safe. Jim.

Contact email: healing_reiki@hotmail.co.uk



Published by James McDonald

Author of my memoir “What’s The Worst That Can Happen?” As a retired counsellor I still help people in emotional distress. As a clairvoyant and psychic I sometimes help others using these gifts.

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